Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23, 2010

Still whiny! Today was definitely food again. "Are you hungry? Are you hungry?" My poor little baby. Once I fed her she simmered down. Must keep shoveling food into her mouth.

We went to the science museum for a couple of hours this afternoon. As we were leaving she was wiggling around. So I put her down and just held her hand. She walked by me the whole way to the car. Um, where's my little baby?

But she made up for it by being super whiny after her afternoon nap. What is wrong with her? Why can't she get better? This is making me crazy. This isn't my little girl and she obviously feels like crap. I don't understand. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing and she's still not well. I just want her to feel better and not be so sad.

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