Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

Wow, today was interesting. Maggie is almost better. I feel for her. She has a lingering cough and it's not the kind where you need to cough something up. It's the kind where you are just coughing. That seal bark-type cough that makes your head, your throat, even your face hurt. So I know she doesn't feel so hot.

But good Lord has she been whiny today. Very, very whiny. While we went to a doctor appointment (for me), she was rubbing her eyes, staring off into space, all the classic signs of a sleepy baby. When we got home she asked for cheese, which I gladly gave her and put her to bed. She spent the next 45 minutes just fussing, refusing to sleep. Never really crying, just whining. I was trying to be strong, to get her back into the habit of taking an afternoon nap but good Lord.

So I go get her and she's hungry. She ate like a freaking horse today. Seriously she ate like 5 or 6 full meals. So I feed her again and we start playing. Then I decide to clean for a few minutes before we go outside. I get out the vacuum and Maggie is terrified of it, unless I hold her while I do it. I guess we either only vacuum when she's sleeping (usually) or Richard is doing it and I take her to the other room. She just stood there and screamed and cried. So I'd turn it off and go get her but she was still scared. I guess I need to keep vacuuming in her presence.

So after I finish, she's just standing there with red eyes, staring off into space. So I grab her and put her back to bed. She screams once and passes out. Victory!

For about 10 minutes. I can't do the crying out thing again so I immediately go get her. This time I let her watch TV. She was still super whiny but it was much better. We watched the end of Up. We've been watching it since she was diagnosed with croup. It was so cute. What a great kid movie. She actually laughed during it. I wonder what is was that she found funny. It was so cute I just laughed with her. Actually the whole thing was nice. I held her in my lap while she watched and we cuddled. All in all, a pretty good day.

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