Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11, 2010

Well Maggie's still super hungry but she did sleep until 7 am this morning. This afternoon I was making cookies and Maggie kept asking for cheese. I thought she was going through it really quickly but I was working so I just kept handing her cheese. Finally I turned around and saw her put almost an entire cheese stick in the trash can. I went and opened the lid and there were 3 or 4 almost full string cheese sticks in there. What a stinker pot.

We went to a birthday dinner tonight for Maureen, Gwen and my birthdays. Laurie, Jeff and Dad were also there. She was a pretty good girl. She did choke like a million times. I know it's the only way she can learn to chew better and eat slower and all that jazz but I swear to God it takes years off my life every frickin' time. She choked one time and I thought Laurie was going to have to perform the Heimlich maneuver. Very scary.

I think she must have been really tired because she became quite fussy, which is very unlike her. She only wanted Mommy, which is usually another sign she is tired. But despite that she was still pretty good. I am so lucky to have such a good sweet baby. I wonder if my next one is a raging terror if I'll still want a lot of kids.

I'm planning on starting potty training next week. I'm going to do some research online this weekend. I am so freaking nervous. I know it'll be fine but it feels like such a big thing to teach her. I'm sure there is not that much too it but I'm really scared. Wish me luck.

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