Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10, 2010

What a day. Maggie is all better. And quite hungry. She woke up at 5am today and wanted to eat. I fed her and put her back to bed. She was up again at 7:30, wanting to eat. She's eaten like 10 times today and eaten a lot each time. I guess she's making up for lost time.

We had her first tumbling class today. It was so fun. It's through the city and was quite cheap so I thought it would consist of like a couple of mats and a bunch of kids running around. Not quite. It was very organized and they had the kids actually do stuff. First they stretched and warmed up. Then they did various activities back and forth across the big mat (jumping, bear crawling, etc.). Then an obstacle course. Then they were held on the bars and she touched their toes to the bars. Then they went across the balance beam. Then they did any combination of the previous things until class was over.

Maggie did surprisingly well. At first I was shocked how involved the class was and I didn't think she'd be able to do any of it. And there was a lot she couldn't do. Or rather, a lot she didn't understand (although she can't jump). But there was a lot that she could do and, more importantly, would do. She learned to do a forward roll, with major Mommy assistance. She did the obstacle course twice. She was so good. And she had so much fun.

The thing that made me feel the most good about the whole thing was after a few minutes you could really tell the difference between the kids that had taken the class before and the ones who hadn't. Which means that she'll be able to do all the stuff, it'll just take time.

After her class, she ate again. That would have been at about 10:15am and the 3rd or 4th time of the day. Wow.

We played in the afternoon. And she was so silly. I feel like her personality is really coming out all of the sudden. Like pinching noses and making almost-sort-of jokes. She wanted to go into my room so I took and we laid on the bed. Then she asked me to read a story. So I started reading and she was jumping around. So I turned and said I thought you wanted me to read you a story, but I said it in a silly voice. So she laid down real fast and made a fake calm face. It was so funny.

My baby is totally turning into a little girl. And although part of me is a little sad about it, I mostly love it. She is so much fun. I am the luckiest lady alive.

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