Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24, 2010

Our third tumbling class wasn't quite as successful.

Maggie woke up early and I, for whatever odd but wonderful reason, just hopped out of bed, got dressed and went and got her. She ate and then took a nap. I woke her up right before her class and I guess she wasn't finished sleeping cos she was fussy during class.

She wouldn't do most of the activities. Although she did still do a lot. AND she held the bar with both hands. The first class she wouldn't touch it. The second class, she held on to me with one hand and the bar with one hand. Today she held the bar with both hands, twice. How cool is that? I'm so proud of my little monkey.

My Mom canceled on me so Maggie's going to Grandpa and Grandmo's today so Mommy can run errands without a toddler in tow. I try to pack in these days to get as much done as possible. It's unbelievable how much a 22 pound kiddo slows you down.

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