Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010

We had our second tumbling class today. Maggie did so much better this time. And she seemed like she had even more fun. She did all the activities and courses. It truly is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Monday we had her first art class. She did really well there too. Well, not as well as she could have. The class started at 5pm and was about 2 miles from our house. So I thought, Oh we'll just walk there. In summer. In Texas. At 4pm. So by the time we got there we were both soaking wet with sweat and just out of it. Other than that it was great. She made a coaster for Father's Day. She/we painted a little wooden block and then put her handprint on it. Then she added a butterfly sticker.

She also drank out of a water fountain for the first time. I wasn't sure how she'd feel about that but she really liked it. She kept asking for more. It was quite cute.

What else have we done this week? Oh, yes we did start potty training. I'm just putting her on her potty a few times a day and having her sit there for a couple of minutes. So far, nothing's happened. But I have no idea how long this process takes. It's not quite as scary but still it feels like such a big deal.

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