Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, 2010

Today was a much better day. Maggie is feeling so much better. I only gave her Tylenol a couple of times and other than that she was bright and sunny and perfect. As soon as I went and got her this morning, she seemed like her old self. Happy, energetic, smiling.

She took two morning naps back to back (this bug has made her quite tired). Then we went to the grocery store and she was perfectly good.

We played in the backyard for a little while and that was nice. It's a gorgeous sunny day and quite hot. But we have lots of shade in our backyard, so it was nice.

This afternoon she was very whiny. She wanted her Daddy so bad. She kept asking me, go get Daddy? I called him and let her talk to him but she kept crying. So Richard left work to come see her. They are laying down in our room now.

Maggie plays this game where she holds both of my hands and claps them together. She thinks it's so funny. I love watching her laugh while she does it.

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