Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21, 2010

Maggie had another bad day. I'm pretty sure she's coming down with croup again. Starting last night she started having that barking cough again. I called her doctor and left a message for the nurse. Luckily, when I actually talked to the nurse, Maggie was coughing in the background so the nurse had me bring her in.

She looked alright but not too great. They decided to put her on another couple of days of steroids to try and clear it up. Also, I asked about allergy medicine. It turns out it's over the counter. I just walked in Walgreen's and bought it. Crazy.

Maggie was quite whiny and clingy today, which isn't so bad. It's nice cuddling and holding her a lot. I try to remember that it won't be too long until I can't hold her anymore and she won't cuddle anymore. God, that's a scary thought. My baby is turning into a kid.

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