Saturday, March 21, 2020

Friday, Day 7 of Quarantine

I had trouble sleeping last night. Of course, Ruby did great. Oh well.

I'm working like crazy. The girls are struggling. Ruby wants to talk and laugh and be near me and was quite confused why I don't want that. I'm trying to just mute my phone as much as possible and not be too mean when I get frustrated. I keep reminding myself, this isn't Ruby's fault. Her life has been turned upside down too.

I keep seeing people on social media talk about how bored they are and, man, I wish. I am doing so many jobs, I can't see straight.

I'm trying to be available to my kids anytime I'm not working. During lunch, I read our chapter book and some from the blog books.

When I went to bed last night, I realized by weighted blanket was missing. That thing weighs 20 pounds! I asked Maggie and, no surprise, she didn't take it. Ruby was already in bed but me and Mags searched the house but no dice. Is Ruby secretly the Hulk???

I thought I should write a little about what's going on. When I read this back, I might want that included. It's so far past scary, I barely know what to say. Hospitals across the country are so desperate for supplies, they are sending out requests for people to sew CDC-approved face masks. I don't know how to sew but I hope people who can are able to help.

NY is being drowned. They are already calling up any medically trained people to come back and work. When I first heard that, I didn't believe it. I just didn't believe that could be true, but it is. Now it's all I can think about. Will Laurie be called up? Without proper personal protection equipment (I think that's what it's called, masks and gloves, etc that protect our hospital workers from getting the diseases of the people they are treating), how quickly will our medical personnel get sick? If Laurie were to go, she couldn't go home at the end of the day. Ok, I'm going to stop, I'm getting ahead of myself for no reason.

I talked to one of my neighbors. They are doing well, just scared, like the rest of us. I'm going to call another of my neighbors today. They are older and may need help.

I have to keep reminding myself that this is reality. This isn't a movie or a book, but really happening. As frustrating and overwhelming as all my jobs/responsibilities are, it does keep me from obsessing about all this. Watching the numbers of infected and dead tick up faster and faster is horrifying. NYT released an article about the projections in the case of no changes made, some changes (social distancing), and drastic changes (shelter in place) and they are dire. We aren't doing enough. The whole country should be shelter in place and we aren't. Not even close. The fear isn't so much about too many people getting sick; it's too many people getting sick all at once. If the hospitals collapse, we'll have people dying of appendicitis and infections.

My plan right now is to keep us home almost no matter what. Hospitals are dangerous right now and unless things are dire (and Laurie tells me to), we wouldn't go to a doctor or hospital. We've done shelter-in-place (mostly, we had a few things we had to do) for a week. Is that enough? Could we avoid getting sick? I don't know. I saw a thing saying they think Covid can survive on cardboard for 24 hours. So if I'm having groceries delivered. . .

I'm trying to exercise a lot to prevent spiraling and anxiety. Or, I guess, lessen. I'm listening to funny podcasts and books to try to have something light. The girls are still fine. I guess that's it for now.

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