Monday, March 23, 2020

Sunday, Day 9 of the Quarantine

I had a hard time sleeping last night. Scary dreams and stress and all that. It's hard but what are you gonna do?

I let Maggie sleep in and basically have done almost nothing today. We all took a bath and I did a ton of dishes. Side note: it's amazing how often we are running the dishwasher. I guess that's what happens when we are all home all the time.

I set up Maggie's Mac so she can start doing her homeschool on it. Last week I set it up on my computer, thinking we could share, but I'm working constantly so that's not going to work. I also researched some ideas for Ruby. I made a big list of screen ideas (kids' exercise and activity videos, learning games and songs, etc) and non-screen ideas for both inside or outside. That way, hopefully, I can just keep moving her to the next thing. We'll see.

We did a video call with Nana and Gran. It's amazing how normal this all is for Ruby. She just laughs and shows her toys. She has no concept of how insane this is, which is great. She loved showing Nana and Gran her Baby and Dolly. I'm hopeful that once their Kindles show up, I can download Skype or something and they can call people whenever they feel like it. Particularly, Ella and Jill and maybe other kids for Maggie.

As soon as we got off the phone with Nana and Gran, Grandpa called. We connected on FB so we could do a video call. I think it's the longest I've gone without seeing Dad since the Marines. That's super depressing, so moving on.

Maggie was a mess. She stayed up late on Saturday night and was exhausted on Sunday and just a complete grump. I got her in bed early and hopefully Monday will be better.

I heard Cuomo told NY that he is being told the shelter in place could last nine months. I've already come to terms that my kids will be doing Easter with just us. I'll try to take video and make it as fun as possible, but man, that's tough. But the idea that their birthdays, Halloween, TG, maybe Christmas. I just feel sick. But I've got to do the AA thing. One day at a time. I can't project or think about how we'll do this for nine months or even one month. We'll get through it one day at a time. And we're so lucky. We have a home and a yard. We have each other. We have all these video apps so we can see and talk to everyone we love. I have two jobs where I can continue working. I can continue my schooling and Maggie's schooling. There are a million things for Ruby to do. We have food and sweet pets. Most important, we aren't sick. To say things could be worse is the understatement of the century.

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