Thursday, March 19, 2020

Wednesdsay, Day 5 of the Quarantine

Ruby had trouble sleeping last night. She has that light that lit up when she could leave her room or yell to me that it was on. At first, it was great, but eventually she decided to try to hack the system. So she opened the back and just messed with it until she messed up all the settings. She did that so often I just stopped using it because I was sick of resetting everything every day. It was still in her room (it has a bright nightlight that can be turned on by pressing a big button, which is great when I have to go in there) and last night it just came on. It wasn't making noise but somehow she woke up and saw it and freaked out that it was time to get up. I unplugged it and made her go back to bed. Then she woke up early this morning and would not stop yelling.

Anyway, all that to say, I'm tired. I have more meetings today. I think this week or possibly next week I'll be calling families and doing either phone or video reading sessions with students. I cannot imagine how that is going to go. But I guess we'll just hope for the best and ask for patience.

It's bananas. I'm so busy. I don't even remember this day so I'm going to write about today.

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