Sunday, March 22, 2020

Saturday, Day 8 of Quarantine

Ruby woke up like five minutes before I opened her door anyway and started knocking. I should have ignored her but I just let her out. I'm sure I'll regret that tomorrow when she knocks at 5 am. I asked her about my blanket and she went straight to it. She picked up a 20 pound blanket and put it in my bedside stand's drawer. Ruby!

Ruby wanted to know about chickens and Maggie perked up and started telling her. And I guess she enjoyed it because she said ask me about another animal. It was so cute. She was like, kangaroos are hopping mammals and they have large, powerful feet that enable them to hop. . . Like a little encyclopedia.

I've been cooking and cleaning and exercising this morning. I have to do school and set up therapy appointments. My other job (CK) has approved us doing tele-appointments with our families. I need to figure out Maggie's school.

At 6 pm, we met with Laurie and Jeff and their girls on Microsoft Teams to have dinner together. It was super glitchy but so nice to see everyone.

After Ruby went to bed, Maggie and I read for a while. We read a chapter of Harry Potter, a chapter of James and the Giant Peach, and a few old blog posts. I think we're in 2009. After that we watched an episode of The Office.

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