Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday, Day 6 of Quarantine

Ruby woke up early again today. This time I didn't go in. I gotta break this habit now. But she was super tired today and by 2 or so she was awful. A lady is sort of training me via phone and Ruby was a banshee. Ugh.
 This was while I was on a conference call. Super chill. Thank goodness I was almost exclusively listening and had my phone muted.

Trying to spend time outside. Jay is my shadow. He's rarely more than a foot from me.

Maggie seemed sleepy too. It doesn't help that she doesn't do anything. She refuses to come outside (it doesn't help that she is now always naked). She is sitting all day. I am exercising as much as possible to stave off back and hip pain and not go freaking crazy.
Speaking of nudity. . .

Jay went to the other volunteer. I think he got dropped off (at the vet) Thursday morning and got surgery today and he'll get his heartworm treatment tomorrow and go home. I'll pick him up from the other volunteer today or tomorrow.
I talked to Aunt Susie. She can't visit Mamaw and Gene anymore to lessen the chance of someone introducing the coronavirus.

Maggie just almost set the house on fire. She made waffles and forgot to turn the toaster oven off. Jeez.

Maggie doesn't really get what's happening. I've given her some information and she knows I'm worried but she doesn't get the significance. Of course, at 11, things just seem normal. Schools being cancelled all over the country doesn't seem crazy to her. I give her bits of information here and there but mostly just that we need to wash our hands and she probably won't go back to school this year.

Ruby knows there's a bad bug out there which is why we can't go anywhere and no one can come over. She's mostly stopped asking about school. She was super unimpressed that we can fight the bad bug by washing our hands.
This is Ruby teaching a lesson to that little purple toy. It was so cute. I would have videoed it but I was on a work call.

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