Monday, March 30, 2020

Sunday, Day 16 of Quarantine

Neko's been adopted. This is not what I signed up for. I'm not doing this back and forth. I want to help but that's not going to work.

Jay had to be separated from Neko all day. Then Buddy wanted to hide. Then Spot had to be put away. Neko's a lot. When I told Maggie he had been adopted, she bawled. I felt awful. I was worried about this. . . when I first started fostering. Why Neko? She didn't care about any of the other pets. So I feel bad but he's going. If Jay weren't sick and in need of bed rest, I might not mind so much. But I can't let Jay die.

Sunday was a blah day. We didn't do much. We took Neko on a long walk and the girls minimally complained.

I wanted the first couple of episodes of Tiger King. Holy cow. It's crazy. You keep thinking, well nothing else can happen, but you're wrong. You're always wrong.

Me and Laurie and Jeff and Angie met up on Zoom. It was so nice to see other adults.

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