Saturday, April 11, 2020

Saturday, Day 29 of Quarantine

I slept in a little. Ruby watched ponies and let me sleep for an extra 45 minutes or so. Then coffee. Then I walked Savannah. I couldn't let the girls go. Why? I bought them a trampoline and it happened to have showed up quickly so now it's also an Easter present. I unpacked the box last night to see how hard it would be to set it up so I can't let the girls into the garage.

After the walk, I exercised and then we cleaned. Maggie says she loves swiffering so that's her new job.

Two things: when I put Ruby to bed, we were going back and forth and finding her blanket and pillow and we finally got everything and we were reading her book. She suddenly jumps down and sits on the floor in front of me and gives me that look. That look that means she's done something wrong. I say, what, what did you do? And she answers, nothing. . . I don't have anything. . . not my iPad. . . Ha! Despite that solid misdirection, I checked under her bed and there it was. Stinker. She totally would have gotten away with it.

Maggie wanted to show me how to play Minecraft. She built a world for me and it was so sweet. She knew all these things about me. She knew I like natural light and would love lots of books. She even got me some pandas.

Now I have to get everything ready for Easter.

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