Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday, Day 33 of Quarantine

Today is HARD. Work is insane. I don't want to complain because I'm lucky to have a job. But man, it's really hard to do full time work with Ruby around. We need a walk. Just waiting on a break.

No break came. What an awful day. Tomorrow I have to go on a walk first thing otherwise stuff gets bad. There's this lady at my work who talks a lot. And not all of it is important but some of it is so I can't just shut it down. But I have all this work and. . .

Anyway, first thing in the morning: go on a walk. It's so important. When we don't, the kids are crazy. I'm super grumpy and just blah. This day has been the pits. No more. I'm ready for tomorrow.

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