Thursday, April 2, 2020

Tuesday, Day 18 of Quarantine

Last night, Ruby had a bad night. Her allergies are bad and they appear to mainly bother her eyes. They are itchy and watery. She woke up multiple times complaining randomly. It was bad. Then this morning when we got up her eyes were red and raw from rubbing. Laurie said to put a washcloth on them to try to encourage whatever it is to get out of there. I also gave her extra allergy medicine.

The FW people asked me if I would consider a dog that better fit our needs. An older dog that's calm and good with cats, dogs, kids. I said yes. So we got Savannah. She's big but not too active. It's much calmer here. She is pretty sure she is in charge of the girls. She follows them and checks on them. It's very cute.

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