Friday, April 24, 2020

Thursday, Day 41 of Quarantine

I'm grumpy today. I'm better but this morning. . . yikes. I took Savannah on a walk sans girls. That helped.

I'm writing a 16 page paper which is so not fun.

Maggie got her schoolwork done. Her friend, Shae, set up a group google slide for their friends to communicate. So that's cool.

I'm done with quarantine. I mean not really. I don't want people to die unnecessarily. We're at almost 50,000 deaths in less than three months.

I took Sav on a walk in the evening. She freaks out when she sees other people/pets. It's like nothing I've ever seen. She can't run so she hops and you cannot believe how high she can leap straight in the air. Plus she makes this sound. It's horrible, like she's being tortured. I get LOOKS.

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