Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Sunday, Day 23 of Quarantine

Sunday was a better day. The girls went to their Dad's around 3 or so (Texas Supreme Court ruled all visitation continues as normal). They spent the night. Savannah got Spot. He was eating her food and she snapped at him and got him in the head. It wasn't too bad but I think it really scared him. I felt so bad for him. Savannah definitely felt guilty but I don't think she knew why.
 Buddy doesn't show up well in pictures. But that's my sweet Bud with his tongue sticking out. I love that guy. Ruby has been torturing him when she gets bored (often). She loves to pick him up and either run around with him or just sit with him. I'm constantly on her to leave him alone.
 Her allergies were bothering her eyes so much she was rubbing them raw. You can't really see but it looked so painful. Laurie said to put a warm cloth on it. I upped her allergy meds and now, as soon as I see her rubbing, I get a warm cloth and have her just press it to her eyes to try get the allergens out.
 Savannah is pretty sure it's her job to keep the girls safe. She often sits near them or goes to check on them. She lost her mind when they left. She was so upset. She didn't like Richard and was very confused why I wouldn't let her attack him. Then when the girls left she was apopleptic. She drove me nuts.

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