Sunday, April 19, 2020

Saturday, Day 36 of Quaratine

I woke up a couple of times last night hearing some strange sound. I thought it was one of the dogs scratching and accidentally hitting my treadmill. Then, at 5ish, the sound was on my tile and it crazy. I jumped up and turned on a light.

Spot couldn't stand. He would stand and fall and up and down. Like his legs were broken. He was foaming at the mouth (can you foam at anything else?) and there was blood. I made him lie down and tried to figure it out. At first, I thought maybe Sav had attacked him and he was really hurt but there wasn't that much blood. Then he started having a massive seizure. I held him down so he wouldn't crash into the floor over and over. It was awful. He kept having seizures for hours. I finally called Caitlin and she said to try sugar water. I did and he stopped seizing. Unfortunately, he still can't stand up. He's just laying there. I tried to give him food but that caused another seizure.

His legs don't work. When he tries to stand they are at funny angles. I don't know what to do. Caitlin said he probably needs hospitalization, which I cannot afford. Not to mention and emergency vet bill, since it's a Saturday.

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