Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Tuesday, Day 25 of Quarantine

We got up on time and everyone slept well. We took Savannah on a walk. There was lots of complaining. Maggie again gave a passionate plea to just stop doing school. No one else is doing school! (Not sure how she would know that.) We're moving on to sixth grade anyway! (don't care) It's super fun.

I made them breakfast when we got home. Ruby ate some but Maggie refused. We've had too much junk. It occurred to me this is the first time in their lives that we can have no junk in the house and no one can give them junk outside of the house. Maggie did actually eat some later.

It was a very productive day. Although all I can think about are all the things I didn't get done. I guess that's how it goes when you're responsible for everything. I have to keep reminding myself: there's no way to get everything done so just do the best you can.

I made Maggie clean the toilets today. She took it better than expected. I cooked a bunch of stuff. I exercised. Maggie did her school work. I figured out how to become an observer in her school thing so I can better figure out what she needs to do. Ruby got scratched by Buddy. Savannah will come mess with him while Ruby is dragging him around and Buddy freaks out. This time Ruby got gotted. I wish he gave her a little swipe more often. He never swipes and she thinks he's just a living teddy bear.

Speaking of teddy bears, Ruby gave Savannah a teddy bear and she loves it. It's so cute. She plays catch with it but she also cuddles it when she lays down.

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