Monday, April 20, 2020

Sunday, Day 37 of Quarantine

So, yesterday. I had asked Richard if he going to get the girls, since it was technically his weekend, and, if he was, could he do it soon so I could take Spot to an emergency vet. But he didn't come until 6 pm. As soon as they left, I bundled Spot up and took him in. They aren't allowing any humans inside. You park at a numbered spot and call and they come get him and you talk on the phone with people to explain what's going on.

I told them he was diabetic and that Caitlin said seizures were typical for blood sugar being low so I had given him sugar water. But the seizures just wouldn't stop and he was non-responsive otherwise.

They called me back and told me that his blood sugars were actually so high they didn't register on the machine. They gave him insulin and anti-seizure meds and said they'd call me back soon. They called just a few minutes later and said he wasn't responding to the meds like he should. He seized twice after getting the medication and they had to give him Propofol (the Michael Jackson drug) to get him to stop seizing. They said he had several weird things in his blood work but they thought he might have a brain tumor, which is why he wouldn't stop seizing. She said he would need to be hospitalized for a long time and she still wasn't at all sure he could be saved. She recommended putting him down. I asked if I could be there and she said yes.

I drove back up there. Even for this, no one is allowed inside so they brought him to the parking lot wrapped up like a baby with a catheter. Because of the Propofol he was completely out. I just held him and rocked him. Poor old bud. But it's done. He's not in pain anymore.

I feel exhausted. So exhausted. And so sad. Poor bud.

When the girls got home, Maggie immediately asked about Spot. I told the girls he was gone and he couldn't be saved. Maggie was a little sad. Ruby asked me a couple of minutes later where Spot was. I just told her he'd gone to heaven to be with Reese and Greenlea.

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