Thursday, April 9, 2020

Wednesday, Day 26 of Quarantine

Maggie insisted she was tired and her stomach hurt this morning, so I let her skip the walk. Ruby wanted to stay with Maggie so they stayed home and watched Sesame Street. It was actually really nice. It was sunny and warm and so quiet.

After that, I don't know. It's hard to remember at the end of the day. Maggie did school work. I had their FB messenger time today. Jilli and Ruby played outside together on their devices. It was cool. I did so much cleaning but everything is still a mess, which is super depressing.

Maggie cleaned bathroom counters/sinks, allegedly. I'm not quite convinced.

I was feeling blah but I thought, no we'll still do our movie time. I just had to feed the dogs quickly and this happened:

Six mason jars full of food smashed. Such a freaking pain. Somehow I managed to clean it up without crying (I did scream at the dogs, but, I think, not the girls) and we did movie night. The worst part is that I'm not 100% sure what happened. The shelf didn't break; it just came out of the holder thingy. But why? Because I would like for that to never happen again.

We had movie time. It wasn't bad. But after that I was so done. This week. This month. Ugh.

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