Thursday, April 2, 2020

Wednesday, Day 19 of Quarantine

Last night was much better. Savannah barked once and I had to yell at her but that's it.

We took Savannah for a walk. My shoes need to be replaced (which might take a minute) and Savannah is ridiculous on a leash, so we didn't go as long as usual.

Today's been better. Maggie got some schoolwork done. I put on live PBS because they are doing "school" shows for the day. Better than anything else. We cleaned. I exercised.

I had a bunch of meetings again today.

Did I mention about Savannah? She seems to consider Maggie and Ruby her charges and she follows them and protects them. She sits by where they are and just kind of watches over them. She checks in with them. When I came out from putting Ruby to bed last night, Savannah came at me. She gave me the what for until she realized it was just me. It was only maybe 2 or 3 seconds, but I feel like if it hadn't been me, she would have gotten somebody good.

We had movie time. It would be super awesome if we could just stay on track and not have bad nights that cause everything to basically reset.

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