Saturday, May 2, 2020

Friday, Day 49 of Quarantine

Slept in again today. Ugh.

I took Sav on a walk without the girls. She's ridiculous. A guy suggested getting a gentle lead to stop her from pulling. My hand and arm and neck hurt from walking her. I gotta figure something out. She's insane on a walk. He said there's not much you can do about her screaming. A dog who screams, I mean, come on.

Maggie is in a MOOD today. She's mad about chores. Mad about school. Mad she can't play on her computer or watch YouTube until 4 pm. Whatever.

Ruby's all over the place, bouncing off the walls. She paints most days now. She's less messy than I would have thought. I need to get her outside more. It's too hard to deal with her and Sav on a walk. Ruby wanders off and stops and it's just too much right now. I need to make her go in the backyard and run around.

We turned on a 60s music station on Pandora on the TV. I love it.

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