Thursday, May 28, 2020

Wednesday, Day 75 of Quarantine

I almost got up on time today. Ruby woke up early but I ignored her. Then she got up at a reasonable time. I fell back asleep but then the lawn guys came and Sav lost her mind. Hard to sleep through that. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be back on schedule.

I exercised. I got a foam roller to help my lower back by loosening up those muscles. The girls, especially Ruby, are obsessed with it. Ruby likes to stand it up and use it like a punching bag. I'll try to get a picture or video.

Maggie and I finished mopping the kitchen and completely cleaned the living room. She was grumpy but I kept my cool. I gotta be less of a grumpy meany.

We watched some Clone Wars episodes.

After Ruby went to bed, Maggie and I read more Harry Potter.

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