Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tuesday, Day 53 of Quarantine

Much better night regarding sleep. I took Sav on a walk. She keeps reopening that place on her nose. I think she did it the first time on the road and now she's reopening it with her paw. I don't know how to get her to stop. She NEEDS the walks and loves them. I'm giving her a treat when I get her lead on to try to get her to calm down.

My AC isn't up to snuff. It shocks me every year. It's happened every single year we've lived here. It needs, um, Freon, maybe. Something. I set up an appointment to get it done. I'll hide the girls and the dog in my room to keep them quarantined and hopefully he won't need to be in the house too much.

We watched most of the rest of Civil War. It's a long movie, maybe my favorite in the series.

Maggie did a bunch of chores. It's been a pretty good day.

I tried to take Sav on her night walk at 8ish and she still made that awful screaming noise. I guess the gentle lead can't stop that. I'll have to walk her when there aren't a lot of people out.

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