Sunday, May 17, 2020

Saturday, Day 64 of Quarantine

Ruby went to bed at like 7:15 pm last night, which is late for her. She had an awful night. It was so bad. I don't know how to fix this. What else is there? She's 4 and a half?!?! How is this still such a problem?

I exercised first thing when I got up and thank goodness because that's about all I did. I just lounged. I'm so freaking tired.

We watched Big Business. It's still pretty dang funny.

The girls went to their Dad's in the evening. I just sat around until it was a decent time to go to bed. And that was after taking a two-hour off and on nap.

Gratitude: I have two for today. One, is sleep. As God is my witness, I will never take sleep for granted. Sleep is a beautiful thing and I'm lucky every day and I get a full night's worth.

Also, Dad! My Dad is always there for me. I'm not good at putting things together or like fixing things, but if I call my Dad he'll come and do it. I can always depend on him to come help me. He loves my kids and makes sure he sees them at least once a week their entire lives. It is very rare for him to go a week without seeing them. I can't even think of all the things he's helped me with or set up for me. He's also helped me with childcare a million times. Any time I've needed help, he's there.

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