Monday, May 11, 2020

Saturday, Day 57 of Quarantine

Finally, sleep! Oh my goodness, I actually got up on time because I was so well rested. God bless.

I had to work this morning. Did my mention the other awful thing? At my therapy job, there's a horrible emergency. It's not something I can ignore or delegate. But I'm scared how much time and effort it's going to take.

The girls and I cleaned the kitchen. Lots of complaining but it's done. Then we watched Ragnarok. We've only got five movies left. Then we'll switch to Star Wars movies. I'm going to attempt watching Lost with Maggie. I think she might like it. It was on network so it's not going have anything too horrible and it was a great show. Until the last season.

Ha! Nope, no Lost. The first episode is the beach scene and its chaotic and bloody and shocking. Maggie actually cried and ran from the room. So instead I think we'll watch old movies.

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