Friday, May 15, 2020

Thursday, Day 62 of Quarantine

Ruby cried again last night. For about 20 minutes after I put her to bed. Ugh, I hate it. I thought of umpteen million reasons why it was okay to go in there just once but I didn't do it. It's so hard.

She woke up early. Again.

She's still eckercising with me. It's so dang cute. It's a long workout so she gets distracted and just plays with the exercise bands I'm not using.

Our family movie today was Ant Man and Wasp. No one got whacked with the business end of a baby doll so. . . winning!

Me and Ruby just cuddled on the couch until her bedtime.

Oh, I heard from the AC company. Even though the technician told me it just needed to be replaced, this time they told me most of it wasn't covered and fixing it would cost almost $800. Jeff had given me a recommendation for an AC guy he trusted so I'll be calling him instead.

Gratitude: My house! When everything breaks and I have to fix it, sure it's annoying, but I own my house. I love this house. I love that it's mine. After living in apartments and hating places I lived, it feels like a miracle to own my own home.

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