Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Sunday, Day 72 of Quarantine

Ruby woke up a little early but otherwise slept through the night. I fell back asleep and slept hard until 9 am. Ruby usually is in and out and in and out but this morning she didn't. I had to make myself get up at 9. Maybe Ruby will start sleeping through the night every night and I won't get off routine again. Maybe.

I did a crazy hard workout that left me soaked in sweat. My favorite.

We watched more of Phantom Menace.

We went to Aunt Laurie's around 3 pm. It was raining so we pulled cars out of the garage and set the girls up in there. It stopped raining so the adults sat in the driveway and talked. The girls had the new Scooby Doo movie on and bikes/scooters/etc to play on. It was lovely.

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