Thursday, May 14, 2020

Tuesday, Day 60 of Quarantine

Today I was sleepy. I did have to get up to pee in the middle of the night. I only slept in a little.

I've decided to start training Sav. I need to have control over her. She's so big and she panics and barks and just can be ridiculous. I'm going to attempt doing it twice a day for 15 minutes or so. This morning we worked on sit. I got treats and told her over and over and over. She seemed to understand. We'll see. Next is stay and heel. Fingers crossed. I don't need her to be like Brad Pitt's dog (Brandy?) in Once upon a time. . . in Hollywood (although that would be cool) just not crazy.

Today, we watched Avengers: Infinity War. We only watched the one movie because it was sooooo long. But good.

I took some treats on Sav's walk and actually got her to calm down after seeing people on bikes. She walked past two groups of people without barking at all, which is huge. She does this awful screaming thing that scares people.

Maggie and I read HP and James and from the blog book. It is so fun to read posts from so long ago. We're in spring of 2012. Maggie is littler than Ruby is now. I'm so glad I have these books.

Gratitude: Ruby. Oh my sweet Ruby. Ruby is so sweet and loving and cuddly and affectionate. Yesterday, several times, out of the blue, she told me, Mommy I love you. She's into pretend play. She'll set up forts or just gather all her toys and I can hear her whispering to the toys. She loves to dance. She puts music on her Kindle and dances around like crazy. She is also into everything all the time. She loves to turn off (or on) all the lights. She wants to help me with anything I'm doing. She's my boo.

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