Saturday, May 9, 2020

Friday, Day 56 of Quarantine

I guess Jacoby (bassett) misses his family. He cried most of the night. Guess who didn't cry??? Ruby. I can't win.

Jacoby growls if Sav gets too close to his food or toys. Then Sav growls. So they were growling over a toy and Maggie got in the middle of it and got bit. She literally put her hand in the middle of fighting dogs. It's not bad at all. It was through the shirt and didn't even break the skin but it scared her. I told her again to never ever get near animals that are upset in any way. She picks up angry cats while she's naked. Since she was so upset, I said let's put on medicine and bandaids. That makes her feel better. So we put Neosporin and bandaids all over her arm.

Then she asked me to make her some Ramen, which I did. AND she spilled it on her naked skin. I mean. . . are you kidding??? Is this a joke? It's not bad, just a little red in one place but oh my God. This is all too much.

I took Jacoby to our foster person. I had told them we couldn't keep him.

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