Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Monday, Day 73 of Quarantine

I got up a little earlier than yesterday. Trying to get back to 7 am and NEVER get off schedule again! Ruby is actually sleeping so much better.

We finished Phantom Menace yesterday. Today we watched Attack of the Clones. Man, it was so bad!

We watched Austin Powers. Maggie watched it but a lot of the jokes went over her head. It's a parody of the times and old spy movies, neither of which is she too familiar with. Oh well.

George Lucas made a cartoon movie and series to fill in the blanks for the prequels so we started that. We didn't finish it but Maggie liked it.

Ruby got out Battleship and "played" that. The girls destroyed my bathroom. No one would admit to anything but it was so gross. I mostly made Maggie clean it up. Gross!!!

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